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Soft Skills Training Courses in Malaysia

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Soft Skills Training

Browse for soft skills training courses in Malaysia offered by HRD Corp Registered Training Providers and download course outline in PDF. You can also promote yours with just the PDF files.

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Training Courses ⑊ Soft Skills Influential Communication For Leaders - The Secrets to Achieving Success Faster & Results Easier A workshop to teach you how to interpret beyond what is said, analyze human behaviors and characters, the technique to create powerful questions and use your body posture to speak persuasively.
Training Courses ⑊ Soft Skills Building Your Team Colors - Colored Brain Based Team Building Program It is not ordinary teambuilding, it deals with psychology to redirect the focus of what is being 'right' to bring in the best in individual and collective to build the best team dynamics
Training Courses ⑊ Soft Skills Unconscious Bias -From Awareness To Application An impactful workshop touching on the foundation of Unconscious Bias to raise mindfulness and sensitivities. Identify ways to overcome this and thrive for competitiveness and greater performance
Training Courses ⑊ Soft Skills Team Dynamics Communication - Improved Productivity and Minimized Conflict based on Colored Brain Developing a team dynamic communication strategy on how to capitalized on strengths and leverage on the strengths of other people to improve work productivity without facing communication conflicts.
Training Courses ⑊ Soft Skills Strategic Legal Writing Online Training Strategic Legal Writing Skills now available for online training. Download the PDF course outline to review the course content and contact us for further inquiry and arrangement.
Training Courses ⑊ Soft Skills Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills Online Training Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving Skills now available for online training. Download the PDF course outline to review the course content and contact us for further inquiry and arrangement.

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